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The Annual Meeting of the Georgia NARFE Federation will be held by Zoom on Monday, June 17, 2024, from 10 AM to 12 noon.


The Annual Meeting's guest of honor will be NARFE's National President, William "Bill" Shackleford. Our Federation President, Rich Vitaris, will present the "State of the Federation" address, and our own Lynn Harper, Regional Vice President (Region III) will make remarks.


Although our Federation bylaws require this annual meeting, we promise to keep the business part as brief as we can.


We will present a $100 Gift Card as a door prize to one of the registered attendees. This will give one of you pretty good odds of winning.


There is no registration fee but advance registration is necessary so that we have a listing of attendees for our Roll Call and registration is necessary to participate in the raffle of the $100 Gift Card. You must be present on the Zoom call when the raffle is held in order to win.


To register for the Annual Meeting:

 Please provide your name, phone number, and email to: If more than one member will be watching from the same computer, provide the required information for all participants so all will be entered in the $100 Gift Card door prize raffle.


If you have any questions concerning registration, contact Linda Leary, Webinar Coordinator, 404-451-2966.


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 894 0102 3214

Passcode: 615826




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